1,469 sqft | 266 sqft Deck | 18 sqft Storage
Our most popular floor plan with a large mudroom.
The Oak is one of the most popular floor plans with a sizable mudroom for all your outdoor gear, and for your kids to take off their coats & backpacks after school. Plus a spacious, open living area with large bedrooms and an expansive front porch – perfect to enjoy the sunset on a warm summer evening.
- ENERGY STAR Certified Home for maximum efficiency and comfort
- In-depth energy performance assessment included, Home Energy Rating System (HERS)
- Ample interior and exterior storage for all your gear
- Variety of contemporary cabinet and countertop options
- Innovative Media Center/HUB for all your electronics
- Mohawk Flooring: sleek, durable and water-resistant
- Energy efficient boiler and sidearm hot water heater
- Semi-custom upgrade options available
- Garage options available
- Lincoln Park Construction Specifications (Link)